The boys really take to the vehicle picture puzzles that I made. A new little guy quickly learned how to pull the reins to stop, go into a 2-pt. stand (feet in stirrups) reaching for the puzzle piece and then attach it (piece has velcro backing)
It seemed that the theme of the day was Boppy pillow because I not only used it in my usual fashion providing extra support behind the child or for weight bearing in front of the child- I used it today in a new way. A little guy with CP was particularly tight today and I was unable to abduct his hips to straddle the horse, not even when placed on
I wasn't able to snap a picture of anyone using the pillow, but just to show how importance they are for therapy- here they are along with the saddles and pads.....
Barbara Smith, M.S., OTR/L author of, The Recycling Occupational Therapist
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