I used a squeaky ball to motivate several children today to stretch and move body parts in challenging ways. Pictured here is my instructor's daughter (from Divinity Farm) demonstrating long leg sitting position facing backwards. She is lifting each leg to touch the ball and I squeak it after each touch. She can lift both legs at the same time to perform the vaulting move called V seat. This is very good for developing core strength, balance and bilateral coordination. Moving in and out of vaulting positions develops motor planning skills.
A major success today involved a a little boy who always begins his sessions crying. He stood on top of the horse to touch this ball. I didn't expect him to do it so willingly since he seems to be gravitationally insecure and he always wants the horse to be moving. The horse stayed still as he stood up tall for a good ten seconds.
Barbara Smith, M.S., OTR/L author of, The Recycling Occupational Therapist
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