Saturday, October 3, 2009

Massachusetts Occupational Therapy Conference

The hippotherapy presentation I gave with Monica Wu (from REINBOW Therapy) went very well. The only glitch was that we had so much information, we went overtime. That's something my Toastmaster's friends would not approve of. However, we did our talk from 3:30 to 5:00 -expecting the audience to be sleepy or eager to leave and they weren't, lots of good questions.
I will be sure not to combine coffee and Sudafed (for allergies) during my next presentation- a toxic mix that made me almost manic!! I will be talking at the Education Resources, Inc. Occupational Therapy in the Schools Conference in Framingon on November 20 about Realistic Goals and Treatment Strategies for the Child with Moderate to Severe Impairments in a School Based Setting.
Karma Anais said...

Would you mind sharing your presentation?

barb said...

That is a good question! You may have noticed that I never mention where I work. I am not allowed to use any photos that enable my clients or where I work to be identified. My presentation is full of pictures from work and this was allowed because I was not paid to present at the conference and actually my presentation promoted my employer. My employer thinks there is a conflict when I earn money via my website/blog (an insignificant amount from the Ads) and their nonprofit status. So, unfortunately I am limited in what I am allowed to show on my website and blog. Very generous therapists from other facilities have given permission to use their photos and I have given them credit as due.
FYI, I greatly appreciate any photo contributions and will provide links back to promote these facilities with many thanks!!!


  1. Would you mind sharing your presentation?

  2. That is a good question! You may have noticed that I never mention where I work. I am not allowed to use any photos that enable my cleints or where I work to be identified. My presentation is full of pictures from work and this was allowed because I was not paid to present at the conference and actually my presentation promoted my employer. My employer thinks there is a conflict when I earn money via my website/blog (an insignificant amount from the Ads) and their nonprofit status. So, unfortunately I am limited in what I am allowed to show on my website and blog. Very generous therapists from other facilities have given permission to use their photos and I have given them credit as due.
    FYI, I greatly appreciate any photo contributions and will provide links back to promote these facilities with many thanks!!!
