I have been riding Bianca at Divinity Farm in Groveland, Mass. The training and knowledge about horses that I am learning from my instructor Maria Hurley is fantastic. I actually have time to get to know Bianca and bond, unlike with the many horses at my job who see dozens of staff and children each day.
Maria is able to control Bianca using only her voice, hands and body, an amazing feat (to me!) which I will try to videotape and post. Although I have had lessons before and trotted, I am finally starting to do it correctly and feel confident. This is all so elementary for horse people, but for me growing up in NYC and relatively new to horses (as of only 3 years ago), its amazing to learn all of this. This will really help me be a better therapist when doing hippotherapy with the higher functioning kids who can understand concepts such as inside or outside legs and do vaulting almost independently.
Maria is an amazing trainer and very patient teacher and has generously suggested that I have a future goal of riding Bianca in dressage events. I never would have dreamed that possible!!!!!
Maria is training her pony Heidi to do hippotherapy work with me in the future, so I will provide info on my web site when that is happening.
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