Inserting cups inside each other may be one of the easiest bilateral activities to make. I attached 5 yogurt cups to the walls with velcro and put numbers on them. I haven't worked with the kids yet who can read the numbers but I am planning to work on this soon.
One child loved the idea of pulling the reins to stop when he he saw a cup on the wall and then I handed it to him to insert until he had a stack of 5 cups. I tried to attach two of them on the trail but realized that I needed stronger velcro to have that work. It will be great to have something on the trails that they can look for and then manipulate.
As simple as inserting one cup inside another seems, 3 children found this very challenging because they needed to stabilize the stack while inserting another cup. This activity is great for developing some basic stabilization skills.
Other success: a girl with autism did her first imitation with me, imitating holding her hand over her mouth to make a wha, wha, wha sound. She tends to sign "more" when she wants to get moving and I am strying to get her to point so that the "more" sign doesn't become generalized to mean too many things. So, I am thrilled that she can do this new imitation with me.
Barbara Smith, M.S., OTR/L author of, The Recycling Occupational Therapist
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